As a pioneer in television game show history, Bradley takes readers on a first-class tour from the parking lot at CBS Television Studio City in Hollywood, through the artists’ entrance, to the production meetings, rehearsals, wardrobe, and straight to the “lights, camera, and action!” She reveals the cat fights, the betrayals, dirty little secrets, the depositions and law suits, the ugly truth, and the reality of what really went on behind the scenes before and after the cameras rolled. With a humorous, entertaining, yet gritty revelation, Bradley presents an exposé of the hypocrisy, sexism, and racism she experienced while working on the show and this is her story as only she can tell it. Link into her book and world here at:
he beautiful, talented actress, singer, and model Kathleen Bradley made history as the first African-American model to join ranks with Barker’s Beauties in the fall of 1990 on The Price Is Right, America’s number-one-rated TV game show. She enjoyed the fame and admiration as she basked in the lime light for ten years, but although she was no novice to the entertainment world, nothing could have prepared her for Back stage at The Price Is Right.