The population of the “oldest old” is expected to triple soon, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. So what really counts when it comes to enjoying this extra time on earth? The answer is, forgive the pun, a no-brainer: to have full use of your mental abilities and to be free of disabling neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
This timely book provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand information on common age-related diseases of the brain and prescribes a simple program of action to help prevent or delay neurological damage.
DR. FRASER SMITH, BA, ND, is a naturopathic doctor who trained at Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. He completed his Residency at CCNM and was a clinical supervisor and faculty member. He is the former Dean of the Naturopathic Program at CCNM.
In 2006, he helped National University of Health Science (NUHS) in Lombard, Illinois launch their new Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree program, which is now a fully accredited program. He is currently the chief academic officer for the ND program serving as Assistant Dean for Naturopathic Medicine in NUHS’ College of Professionals Studies. He is an Associate Professor, and author of the textbook Introduction to Principles and Practices of Naturopathic Medicine, which will be out in its 2nd edition in 2014.
He is also an editorial board member of Natural Medicine Journal, and teaches Botanical Medicine and Naturopathic History, Philosophy and Principles at NUHS. He is registered to practice naturopathic medicine in Ontario and licensed as a naturopathic physician in Vermont. He is past president (2008 to 2013) of the Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Dr. Smith currently resides in Illinois and is available for interviews.
DR. ELLIE AGHDASSI, PhD, RD, is the Program Manager for the Toronto Dementia Research Alliance (TDRA). She is also an Assistant Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, in Canada. Ellie is an Affiliated Scientist at the Women’s College Research Institute, a Registered Dietitian and a Senior Scientific Associate at the University Health Network. She resides in Toronto, ON.
Discussion Points for Keeping Your Brain Young:
- The number of people will Alzheimer’s will nearly triple by the year 2050 – going from 101 to 277 million globally
- Degenerative changes to the tiny blood vessels of the brain can insidiously lead to loss of cognitive function as we age
- Plant derived anti-oxidants, from fruits and vegetables have the ability to protect the brain from some of the causes of aging and deterioration
- A diet rich in plant foods and low in processed foods is far more effective in preventing aging of the brain than simple taking a multivitamin and eating a standard North American diet
- The brain has the ability to sprout new connections and even create new brain cells, even in the elderly
- Brain protective foods are easy to work into a diet plan composed of great testing recipes that are easy to prepare
- Artery protective foods are easy to work into a diet plan composed of great testing recipes that are easy to prepare
- There are over 80,000 chemicals in commercial use today that never existed decades ago – most have never been evaluated to rule out potential adverse effects on the brain
- Understanding Brain Diseases: How does the brain work; Do I have dementia; What causes dementia
- Smart Nutrients: Nutrient deficiencies; dietary reference intakes
- Standard Care for Dementia: Medications; Botanical medicines
- The 12-Step Healthy Brain Diet Program: Holistic approach; Laying a good nutritional foundation; energize the brain; detoxify your body
- Learn how to protect your brain from the forces of aging by eating foods hat create a nutritional shield against disease
- This program is supported by evidence-based scientific research and clinical practice
- Following the program allows one to grow older more gracefully – and more slowly
- North Americans are living longer than ever – forty million Americans and five million Canadians are over the age of 65
- One in 10 of the people in this demographic has Alzheimer’s – that’s almost five million people
- By 2050, epidemiologists predict that 16 million North Americans will have Alzheimer’s
- Add vascular dementia and Parkinson’s disease to these numbers and you see that aging-related diseases are becoming epidemic