DreamWorks unleashed its third installment of the billion dollar franchise Madagascar today at Hollywood branch of the Director’s Guild. In addition to the return of Alex (Ben Stiller), Marty (Chris Rock), Gloria (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Melman (David Schwimmer); moviegoers will be introduced to three new animals, the tiger Bitaly (Bryan Cranston), the seal Stefano (Martin Short) and the tiger Gia (Jessica Chastain). Madagascar 3 Europe’s Most Wanted, hits theaters in 3D on June 8th. DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg presented clips from the new film today along with stunning actress, Jada Pinkett Smith.
The first clip opened with Medagascar’s usual suspects coming out of the sea and converging on Monte Carlo’s famous casino. The zany animals are soon discovered in the middle of the casino, launching a panic and high speed chase through the streets and in the air while being pursued by the villainous Captain Dubois (Frances McDormand) who will stop at nothing to add the animals to her prized taxidermy trophy room collection.
Fighting to get back home to their beloved Big Apple, their journey takes them on a highspeed adventure through Europe, where they find the perfect cover, a traveling circus, which they reinvent – Madagascar style. DreamWorks’ stunning new animated film is packed with action, adventure, head bobbing pop music, and laughs for the whole family. – Report By Shannon Amos