National Bulk Foods Week, which will occur at grocery stores in California and nationwide October 14-20, 2012. The Bulk is Green Council (BIG), a national non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the economical and environmental benefits of buying natural and organic foods in bulk, is again partnering with retailers across the country to celebrate the wonders of the bulk foods aisle with the second annual Bulk Foods Week.
In addition, there are several grocery and natural food stores that are participating in National Bulk Foods week in California, including the following: Whole Foods, New Leaf Market, New Frontiers, Major Market, and several Lassens markets, to name a few. For a full list of participating grocery stores in California, link into website at
Here’s another reason to get out and buy bulk foods: organic bulk foods on average are 89% less expensive than their organic packaged counterpart, according to a recent study conducted by the Portland State University’s Food Industry Leadership Center (FILC) on behalf of BIG. Whether it’s a pinch of curry powder or a pound of beans, the bulk foods aisle allows consumers to buy the exact amount needed (for significantly less!), therefore wasting less unused food as a result. With the additional discounts on bulk foods during National Bulk Foods Week, consumers won’t want to miss on the opportunity to experience the fun and savings that can be found in the bulk foods aisle at their local grocer or co-op.