In an effort to educate and raise money for prostate cancer research, Men’s Fashion Accessory brand Tie Society proudly announced today their strategic partnership with the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) for a special awareness program. In accordance with September’s ‘National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month’, Tie Society & the Prostate Cancer Foundation will sponsor a stylish and informative virtual event anchored by the first annual “Blue Tie Day” slated for Thursday, September 20th.
The event encourages supporters and all men around the country to wear blue ties in honor of prostate cancer survivors, victims and those affected by the disease. Men are asked to show their personal style by wearing blue ties, taking a picture, and posting it to Twitter using the hashtag #bluetieday. Additionally, Tie Society will donate 50% of all sales, using the special BLUETIE purchase code, to PCF towards ongoing efforts.
Supporters are welcome to wear a premium blue tie from Tie Society’s extensive ‘online closet’, or wear one from their personal collection. For more information on “Blue Tie Day”, Tie Society and the Prostate Cancer Foundation, please visit and
“Partnering with PCF will not only inform our members and fellow Americans of prostate cancer risks, but will also encourage all our members to get tested periodically starting at age 40,” stated Jake Kuczeruk, marketing and community manager for Tie Society. “Providing a way to give back and donate to this cause is a way we can all help fund research efforts that one day may yield to a cure.”
“The Prostate Cancer Foundation is thrilled to partner with Tie Society this September to raise both awareness and funds for advanced research,” said Dan Zenka, senior vice president of communication for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. “The innovative company will help draw attention to prostate cancer, a disease that affects 1 in 6 American men, and help fund the most promising prostate cancer research.