This September, Documentary Channel (DOC) explores the American school system with the US television premiere of Academy Award-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth’s “American Teacher” on Saturday, September 1 (8 pm ET/PT). “American Teacher,” narrated by actor Matt Damon, chronicles the stories of four teachers living and working in disparate urban and rural areas of the country. A character-driven film, “American Teacher”examines this urgent issue through humor, irony, and the captivating personalities of the teachers whose stories it shares.
It is well documented that the most important school-based factor in students’ academic achievement and future success is the quality of their teachers, yet 46 percent of public school teachers leave the profession within the first five years of being in the classroom due to salary constraints and stress. By following four teachers, Erik Benner, Jonathan Dearman, Jamie Fidler and Rhena Jasey, as they reach different milestones in their careers, “American Teacher” tells the deeper story of the teaching profession in the United States today, and what we can do to invest in it for tomorrow. “American Teacher” will engage, challenge, and inspire audiences to be part of an urgently needed progressive social movement, resulting in a lasting impact on the lives of our nation’s children.
Documentary Channel is primarily available through satellite television services DISH Network (Channel 197) and DIRECTV (Channel 267).
About Documentary Channel®: Documentary Channel (DOC) is the USA’s first 24-hour television network exclusively devoted to documentary films and the independent documentary filmmaker, providing viewers with round-the-clock opportunities to see fascinating, eclectic and award-winning documentary films of all lengths and genres. For more information on DOC, visit the network website at, in addition to or
In this article:American Teacher, DIRECTV, DISH Network, Documentary Channel, Teachers, usa